Toughest trial of Weak Interaction
Abstract: How
the riddle of beta decay was solved by Fermi? How weak interaction
appeared in the realm of modern physics? Why weak interaction faced
series of amendments and how the problem was solved? I would try to
find answer to these questions.
It has been more
than eighty years since Enrico Fermi informed the world that there
exists a weak interaction by his famous nuclear beta decay theory,
yet its importance has not faded. Various changes and modifications
have been made to Fermi’s weak interaction theory during the
process of formulation of Standard Model but still the fundamental
idea of Fermi serves as a core part of this model. Now it is known
that not only beta decay, most of the elementary particles such as
muons, kaons, pions and hyperons decay via weak interaction.
of Conundrum
By the end of
1920, it was evident that there was something strange about beta
decay. Alpha and gamma rays, which were also the nuclear byproduct
like beta rays, had discrete energy but beta rays were observed to
have continuous energy spectrum. When energy available for beta decay
was calculated, as this can be easily done by calculating the
difference of masses of parent and daughter nuclei, it seemed to
violate energy conservation. If the beta decay was simply the
emission of electron from the nucleus then from the energy
momentum-conservation one would expect the well defined value of
energy for emitted beta particle. However, the observed continuous
beta decay spectrum suggested that there was something wrong with
this assumption.
Many scientists
were working on the theory of beta decay but it was a tough job to
create an electron in the nucleus. Heisenberg uncertainty principle
ruled out the existence of nuclear electron and there was not a clear
idea how such particles can be bound within nuclear orbits. In 1930,
to explain this anomaly Wolfgang Pauli proposed the third particle
neutrino (originally called “neutron” by him) so that it would
not violate the conservation of momentum and energy. On the basis of
this assumption, in 1934 Fermi proposed the the theory of beta decay.
and formulation of the theory
During the
formulation of the theory of beta decay following assumptions were
made by Fermi.
a) During the
process of beta decay, along with the emission of beta particle,
another quasi- particle called neutrino is also emitted. The mass of
the neutrino is of the order of the electron or less than that and it
is charge less.
b) In quantum
theory of electromagnetic radiation, photons are absorbed or emitted
by an atom so the total number of photon is not constant. Drawing an
analogy from this one can assume that the electrons, as well as
neutrinos, can be created or annihilated and hence the total number
of electrons (or neutrinos) is not necessarily constant.
c) The nucleus
consists of two heavy particles i.e neutron and proton and they may
be treated as the two internal state of the same particle. One can
assign intrinsic coordinate to the particle to differentiate one from
another. The value of intrinsic coordinate is unity and takes
positive sign if the particle is neutron and negative sign if the
particle is proton.
d) To ensure the
conservation of charge, the Hamiltonian function is chosen such that
each transition from neutron to proton is associated with the
creation of electron and neutrino and the reverse process is
associated with the annihilation of an electron and a neutrino.
During the
formulation of theory of beta decay, he made some major modification
in the Lagrangian density of the proton. While doing so, he replaced
electromagnetic current of proton by the term which described the
transition of neutron into proton and in the place of spinor of the
photon he used the term which described the production of electron
and neutrino. These new terms were called Dirac currents. He also
replaced the electronic charge ‘e’ by the new
coupling constant ‘G’, now known as Fermi coupling
constant. It is important to note that these Dirac currents are
‘charged’ unlike electromagnetic currents, leading one’s to
think that beta decay was something completely new. In this way, long
before the W and Z bosons were known and quark model formulated, he
successfully discovered the new forces of nature.
Fermi first sent
his work to the the Nature but the editorial board rejected
his paper saying “it contained abstract speculations too remote
from physical reality to be of interest to the reader”. They did
not like four particle interactions that created an electron and
neutrino out of nothing and more importantly they did not take
neutrino seriously. Later he submitted slightly revised versions of
the paper to less prestigious Italian and German journal, which
published them quickly in their languages. Though Fermi’s weak
interaction was a great intellectual leap and a significant step
towards the right direction, it would face series of challenges and
amendments with the passage of time.
of trial
Universal Fermi interaction
In the mid
1930’s, Japanese physicist Yukawa argued that nuclear strong force
is mediated by particle with a mass of approximately 200 times that
of electron. Yukawa also suggested that this particle might be
responsible for the beta decay as it could decay into electron
anti-neutrino pair. Few years later, Anderson and his colleague
discovered the particle which had the similar properties as described
by Yukawa but the problem with the detected particle was that it
could traverse through thick layer of matter without any interaction.
In fact, the particle was a fermion (muon) with half integer spin
rather than a boson of integral spin, which would turn out to be a
milestone in our story of the weak interaction.
During the
research on muon, Italian physicist Bruno Pontecorvo noticed that if
the mass difference between the electron and muon is taken into
account one could draw an analogy between the capture of muon by
nuclei and capture of electron from the innermost atomic shell. In
1947, Pontecorvo proposed the theory of muon decay. A years later,
Jack Steinberg in his Ph.D thesis found that the energy spectrum of
such electron is continuous as like in beta decay, which led other
theoretician to propose the so called Universal Fermi theory of
weak interaction. Thus it became clear that beta decay, muon
captures and muon decay were different aspect of the same
Parity violation
The serious
observation on pionic decay of K-mesons forced Lee and Yang to
rethink that parity might be violated in weak interaction. In 1956,
when they made a detail analysis of all previous experiment on weak
interaction, they realized that there was not a clear evidence for
parity conservation in weak interaction. So they proposed to
reconsider the validity of this principle and suggested experiments
where the assumption could be tested. In 1957, Madame Wu and her team
performed an experiment by taking cobalt nuclei and established the
fact that fewer electrons were emitted in the forward hemisphere than
in the backward hemisphere with respect to the spins of the decaying
nuclei. This striking result was a watershed in the history of weak
interaction and a complete shock to the physics world. The effect of
this result can be put in the words of Isador Rabi who had said “A
rather complete theoretical structure has been shattered at the base
and we are not sure how the pieces will be put together.”
Fig 1: The Wu
Experiment: the thick arrows indicate the direction of the spin of
the 60Co nucleus, while the
thin arrows show the direction of the electron’s momentum.
Thus the result
of Wu’s experiment demonstrated the fact that the weak force
violates the reflection symmetry and hence the parity conservation.
It also revealed that electrons are preferentially left handed. Later
when the helicity of the neutrino was measured, it was found that all
the neutrinos are also left handed. The consequence of these series
of discovery was huge and of serious concern because an understanding
of weak interaction was impossible If it was neglected.
A new lagrangian and V-A theory
While drawing an
analogy from quantum theory of radiation, Fermi confined himself into
Vector bilinear field (one of the five forms of Dirac bilinear
covariant fields). In Dirac’s quantum field theory, these bilinear
covariant fields are the different ways in which one can write a
physical law so that it remains Lorentz invariant. If Fermi had not
limited himself to the case of Vector field he would have written
more general form of lagrangian. So one of the assumptions then on
was to consider the general form of lagrangian. Now it was remained
to modify this general form of lagrangian so that it would include
the observed phenomena of parity violation.
It is impossible
here to understand the whole theory without any mathematical
expression but the main idea was to replace the full spinors of
massive leptons with their left handed projection. After inserting
these left handed projections into parity violating Hamiltonian, one
would get a completely new Hamiltonian which would account both Fermi
transitions and Gamow-Teller interaction. This general form of
interaction is known as V-A theory. The V-A theory being itself a
significant step towards a complete theory however possessed some
serious mathematical difficulties. It would take an elegant touch of
Glashow, Salam and Weinberg to lift weak interaction into completely
new level.
Fermi’s theory
is one of the greatest achievements in the history of modern physics.
Although peculiarities had been observed many times in the path of
beta decay, it endured the trial of truth keeping its spirit intact.
Fermi theory even survived the fundamental revolution. His particular
form of beta interaction laid the foundation for the systematic study
of other types interaction. For the first time, it introduced the
concept of creation and annihilation of material particles. The
importance of Fermi theory can be put in the word of Fermi’s friend
and associate Emilio Segre who once said, “Fermi was fully aware
of the importance of his accomplishment and said that he thought he
would be remembered for this paper, his best so far.”
[1] F. L. Wilson,
Fermi’s Theory of Beta Decay*, American Journal of Physics
36 1150 (1968)
[2] A. Lesov, The
weak force: From Fermi to Feynman, University of South Carolina
[3] B. R. Martin,
Nuclear and Particle Physics, Wiley, England (2006)
[4]J. Orear,
Enrico Fermi: The Master Scientist, Cornell University (2003)
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